During my 18 years' experience as a Translator and Editor, in France and in Canada, I have worked on a large number and variety of
documents, for professionals in different sectors (private, public, not-for-profit) and for individuals.
I have translated, edited, proofread and rewritten the following types of documents:
reports, annual reports, meetings debriefings and minutes
bylaws, policies, business and strategic plans, frameworks, regulations, guidelines, standards
administrative correspondence, email messages, memos
international assessments of primary and secondary students (PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS)
academic works, research projects and papers
official speeches, presentations
fiction for young audiences, literary works
newsletters, magazines, brochures, news releases
websites, databases, blog articles
surveys, questionnaires
personal stories, correspondence
articles for the press (print and online media)
To find out more, see Translation References and
Editing References.